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Checklist for Rental Cars

The advantages of mobile independence on vacation are obvious.

Checklist for rental cars
Checklist for rental cars

After all, Tyrol and South Tyrol also have some beautiful places to offer that are not accessible by public transport. Many people who do not have their own vehicle then go to the car rental company. But there are a few things to consider.

Required Documents

Inquire in advance with the rental company about which documents are required (driver's license, ID). Nowadays, rental without a credit card is usually not possible. In this way, the vehicle owner ensures that he can hold the customer accountable for any damage.

Read the rental agreement carefully and do not hesitate to ask questions if something is unclear. You have the right to ask about everything in detail.

It is important to note that the insurance coverage usually only applies to the driver listed in the rental agreement. Be aware of this if you want to take turns driving with the passenger during the trip.

Also, pay attention to any age restrictions. Some rental companies require a minimum age or sometimes also require that the renter has held their driver's license for at least one year.

Responsible completion of the contract also includes reading the "fine print" - additional costs are often hidden here. Value-added tax and special taxes should already be included in the rental price. Also, cleaning costs should be included. Some rental companies charge penalties for traffic violations and illegal parking without asking and also add an administrative fee on top.

Make sure not to take out unnecessary additional insurance that you do not need - such as luggage insurance or the like.


If you have to leave a deposit, ask the rental company for a confirmation of the amount paid.


Usually, the car is fully fueled at the time of rental and should be returned in the same condition. In any case, the car should have the same fuel level when returning as it did when you first got in. For this purpose, check the fuel gauge and clarify the refueling arrangement in advance. Some rental companies offer refueling as a special service, but also charge a good amount for it.

Required Equipment

Equipment that is mandatory for private cars must of course also be available in the rental car. This includes emergency triangle, first aid kit, and reflective vest. If the rental car does not have these items, the renter must still provide the equipment themselves.

Also, check if the tool kit and spare tire are available and make sure you have received the correct vehicle documents, which must always be carried with you.

Winter Tires

There are no exceptions for rental cars regarding the regulations for winter tires. They are mandatory in wintry road conditions. To be completely sure, insist on the appropriate tires in advance in the case of a winter vacation. If they are not available, you can refuse to accept the car.


A thorough inspection is essential before getting into a rental vehicle. It is best to document any dents and scratches, paint damage, faulty lighting, and worn tires in writing. A photo or two has also often clarified matters. The cleanliness of the car should also be documented together with the rental company.

What to do in case of an accident?

Definitely clarify what to do in the event of an accident before starting the trip. If something does happen during the vacation, you are well advised to complete a European Accident Report (which you can get from automobile clubs or download from the internet) and, for all cases, involve the police in documenting the incident.

The Euro emergency call 112 is a free European emergency number that can be used in all EU countries and connects you to the nearest emergency control center. From there, the police, ambulance, or fire department are then alerted. The Euro emergency call can be made from any mobile phone and even without a SIM card.

However, keep in mind that your phone number is not always transmitted automatically and only hang up when prompted to do so.

Do not tow or repair the vehicle on your own initiative before contacting the rental company.

Securely store the car keys

Avoid handing over the rental car key to someone else. No matter how helpful and friendly they may look, it could be a car thief with acting experience who will then make off with the vehicle, leaving you empty-handed.

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Foto: Karl Winkler (Wikimedia) - CC BY-SA 3.0
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