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Heat in the Car - When the Holiday Drive Turns into a Battle Against the Heat

When the summer sun is beating down, the holiday car trip to Tyrol or South Tyrol can quickly become a sweaty ordeal.

Heat in the car
Heat in the car

Below are a few tips to ensure that your fate does not resemble that of grilled chickens.

Excessive heat poses a danger to concentration. It should not exceed 24 degrees Celsius. The ideal travel temperature is between 21 and 23 degrees. However, do not make the mistake of turning the air conditioning to polar bear-friendly temperatures. If it is consistently less than 20 degrees, the likelihood of opening the door to cold-related illnesses increases. Cold air meets sweaty skin and quickly cools the body - the circulation of the skin suffers. In addition, the air conditioning system creates dry air. The result: The mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract become irritated, and respiratory infections can be the unpleasant consequence. Additionally, the cool air flow can cause tension in the neck, back, and shoulder area, and lead to conjunctivitis in the eyes.

Experts recommend not letting the difference between indoor and outdoor temperature exceed 6 degrees, as the abrupt temperature change when getting out can easily lead to circulatory problems.

Drink plenty of fluids - up to three liters. Increased sweating must be compensated for by an appropriate intake of fluids. Mineral water, cold tea, or diluted fruit juices with water are best.

Use sunrise and sunset: If possible, it is best to travel in the morning or in the cooler evening hours. Avoid the intense midday heat from 12:00 to 15:00.

Sun protection for the car: If you have to leave your car in direct sunlight, a sunshade that covers the vehicle's windows is recommended to ward off some of the heat. Silver-coated mats reflect sunlight. Alternatively, a cardboard placed behind the windshield will also do the trick.

Caution with children and animals

Never leave children or animals alone and unsupervised in a parked vehicle. The oven effect can turn the car into a deadly trap. Even a shaded parking spot outdoors cannot guarantee safety, as the sun is constantly moving, and its angle of incidence can change rapidly.

Cover the child's car seat with a blanket, as the fabric retains heat. Also, always check the temperature of the child's car seat before placing your child in it.

Before getting into a strongly heated vehicle, open all doors and windows for a moment to let the warm air escape.

If you are only going on a short trip, it is best to do without the air conditioning altogether. So roll down the windows and feel the wind in your hair - it immediately feels more grounded.

Mobile phones also suffer from the heat

Never leave your mobile phone on the dashboard - the sun can damage the liquid crystals in the display, and the battery is also at risk of losing performance with excessive heat.

A few minutes before you reach your desired destination, turn off the air conditioning and let only the fan run. This way, the moisture is pushed out of the system, reducing the chances for germs to spread.

Also not to be overlooked are the effects on the environment and the wallet: CO2 emissions and fuel consumption can increase significantly when turning the car into a mobile refrigerator. Therefore, decide wisely whether turning on the air conditioning is really necessary. The environment will thank you, and with the money saved, you can definitely afford a refreshing ice cream for the whole family.

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Foto: Karl Winkler (Wikimedia) - CC BY-SA 3.0
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