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Highway fees and fines - Speeding in Tyrol

Traveling by your own car brings a lot of comfort. You avoid waiting times and transferring, you don't have to pay so much attention to weight when packing as if you had to carry everything yourself, and of course, you have the freedom to plan the route according to your own needs.

Highway tolls and penalties
Highway tolls and penalties

But so that the border crossing does not start with an unpleasant welcome, it is important to know that the use of motorways and almost all expressways is subject to a charge throughout Austria. This also applies in Tyrol, where this obligation applies from the state border.

The key to the fast world of motorways is a sticker, which is available at most gas stations and tobacconists, as well as online at (also at gas stations near the border and automobile clubs abroad) – the so-called motorway vignette.

The costs for 2023 are:

10 days: 9.90 EUR (car), 5.80 EUR (motorcycle)
2 months: 29 EUR (car), 14.50 (motorcycle)
1 year: 96.40 EUR (car), 38.20 EUR (motorcycle)

Since the validity of the 10-day vignettes and the 2-month vignettes is stamped by hand, you should immediately check when purchasing whether the correct date has been marked.
Carefully keep the lower section of the vignette – in case of a windshield replacement, replacement can be made through the matching serial number. If you purchase the vignette digitally, you can select the validity period in the ASFINAG toll shop, or enter your license plate number, email address, and registration country yourself, and then pay via PayPal or credit card.

As for the application of the vignette, there are some rules to be observed. It is stuck on the windshield – either on the left edge or behind the rearview mirror. Under no circumstances should it be attached to a side window or a tinted strip. In addition, no more than two Austrian vignettes may be affixed to the windshield simultaneously. After the validity period has ended, scraping is necessary.
For motorcycles, the sticker must be affixed to a visible, non-removable – or only difficult to remove – part.

Vignettes are vehicle-specific – so even with a changeable license plate, each vehicle still needs its own. Trailers and caravans are not subject to vignette obligation – only the towing vehicle needs one.

In case of a missing or expired vignette, a replacement toll of 120 euros must be paid. If this is not paid, there is a risk of a report as well as a fine of at least 300 euros. More detailed information can be obtained from the website of the Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft (ASFINAG).

Additional types of road pricing

In addition to motorways and expressways, there are other forms of road pricing in Austria – tolls and special tolls.

The Brenner Motorway (A13) is a special toll route. It can therefore be used without the generally valid motorway vignette, as a toll fee must be paid separately. But be careful – on the subsequent A12, the vignette obligation applies again! On the Brenner Motorway, a one-way trip costs 11 EUR. An annual pass costs 114 EUR. However, if you have attached a vignette, the annual price is reduced to 74 EUR.

The second special toll point in Tyrol is the Arlberg Expressway (S16), which passes through the Arlberg Tunnel. Here, a one-way trip costs 11.50 EUR, while an annual pass also comes to 114 EUR (with a vignette discount of 74 EUR).

If you also want to travel on the following roads, toll fees will also apply:

The Felbertauern Toll Road (P1), which leads from Mittersill to Matrei through the Felbertauern Tunnel. A single passage costs 13 EUR (local resident rate 11 EUR, ADAC pre-sale ticket for round trip at 23 EUR). The annual pass is available for 140 EUR.
In addition, there is the 1-day toll pass, which is distributed as a "bonus card" and is available for 19.50 EUR. With this, you are allowed to pass the route as many times as you want in one day.
The prices for cars and motorcycles do not differ from each other.

Trips on the Silvretta High Alpine Road (L188/B188) cost 18 EUR for cars (electric cars 14 EUR) and 14.50 EUR for motorcycles (electric motorcycles 11.50 EUR).

The Ötztal Road (B186) leads over the Timmelsjoch, a border pass between Austria and Italy. Car drivers pay 18 EUR for a one-way trip. Round trip comes to 24 EUR, while the seasonal pass is available for 80 EUR. Bikers pay 16 EUR for a one-way trip. Round trip costs 21 EUR, while the seasonal pass also comes to 80 EUR.

Fines you can expect in Austria

However, unlimited speeding is not allowed on Austrian roads. Pay attention to the permitted speed limits:

Urban area: 50 km/h
Rural road and expressway: 100 km/h
Motorway: 130 km/h

If you are traveling with a trailer on rural roads and motorways, the maximum speed is reduced according to the weight of the trailer. The 50 km/h in urban areas, however, remain the same.

Those who are caught speeding by a law enforcement officer or a control device (police officer, radar box, overhead measuring points) can expect the following penalties:
The exact extent of the penalty always depends on the circumstances. As a guideline, however, the following amounts can be assumed:

up to 20 km/h above the permitted speed limit: between 30 and 50 EUR
20 to 30 km/h above the permitted speed limit: between 50 and 70 EUR
30 to 40 km/h above the permitted speed limit: from 150 EUR
over 40 km/h above the permitted speed limit: from 300 EUR

In Austria, the alcohol limit is 0.5 per mille. Those who slightly exceed this limit receive a notation in the driver's license register. In principle, an administrative offense procedure is initiated. Those who exceed 0.8 per mille lose their driver's license, have to pay a fine, which starts at around 800 EUR and can go up to several thousand EUR. They are also required to attend a retraining course.
Those driving without a vehicle registration certificate must pay a 20 EUR fine. If the driver's license is not carried, 30 EUR must be paid.
Failing to form an emergency lane results in a 50 EUR fine.
Those who use a mobile phone without a hands-free device while driving must part with 50 EUR. In the event of an offense report, a fine of up to 72 euros can also be imposed. However, even using a hands-free device does not guarantee immunity from penalties. After all, all secondary activities that distract the driver and cause errors are legally forbidden – this does not completely exclude phone calls. So it's best to let the phone ring and instead listen to the purring of the engine, enjoy the nature passing by like a movie – after all, you are on vacation!

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