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The best schnapps distillers in Tyrol

For a snack or after a splendid meal or for a Törggele evening, an exquisite schnapps from a distillery in Tyrol is an excellent match.

House Distillery
House Distillery

The Tyrolean fruit brandies with an alcohol content of 37.5% - 45% are mostly made from apples, pears, cherries, plums, or apricots. The typical farmer's schnapps for Tyrol can also contain 50% alcohol.

Recommended providers

KUENZ Naturbrennerei

KUENZ NaturbrennereiThe Kuenzhof in Dölsach in East Tyrol has been owned by the family for around 400 years. The "Zulassvertrag" from June 13, 1643 is preserved in the house as an original and shows that the "honorable Steffan Khuenzer zu Gödnach" handed over the estate to his descendants. Now the 12th generation is active in the business and has expanded the product range consisting of over 30 varieties with the ROTEN TURM Alpine Dry Gin and the RAUCHKOFEL Single Malt Whisky. In addition to numerous awards for the spirits at Destillata and other international noble brand awards, the Kuenz Naturbrennerei was awarded Best Distillery in Austria (National Winner Austria) by Destillata 2015. The young master distillers also won gold for the ROTEN TURM Alpine Dry Gin at Destillata 2015.

Gödnach 2
A - 9991 Dölsach
Tel. +43 (0)4852 64307

Aggstein - the wild mild

AggsteinAggstein's Schnaps-Erlebnis: The show and experience distillery of Aggstein Edelbrände leaves no schnapps lover cold. Whether on a guided tour with tasting or a self-guided tour: At 13 exciting stations, you will get to know the art of schnapps production with all your senses, learn interesting and curious facts about brandies, liqueurs & Co, or test your "schnapps knowledge". Also cool are the more than 90 different delights and other nice gift ideas that await you at Aggstein in modern Tyrolean ambiance: from extraordinary schnapps glasses for every occasion to high-quality noble brandies for a "spirited" celebration to fruit syrups that sweeten the season for your sweet ones. So, just drop by Aggstein in St. Johann i.T. …

Mauthfeld 2
A - 6380 St. Johann in Tirol
Tel. +43 (0)5352 65 500

Edeldestillerie Oberhofer GmbH

Edeldestillerie Oberhofer GmbHThe senior boss of the Landhotel Reschenhof in Mils, Robert Oberhofer, has been dedicated to schnapps distillation since 1965. A few years ago, distilling became his main occupation. In the Edeldestillerie Oberhofer, he processes the best fruit into the best brandies and liqueurs. For many years, Robert Oberhofer has been part of the Tyrolean elite of distillers. Dozens of awards at international competitions confirm the solid and continuous quality of the brandies. The wide range of his Edeldestillerie already includes 45 different products. The focus is on fruit and berry brandies such as Limonerabirne, Apfelcuvee, raspberry, blueberry, and even exotic fruits like pineapple or mango.

Bundesstraße 7
A - 6068 Mils
Tel. +43 (0)664 311 87 20

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